Most experts say that wiper blades need to be changed every six to 12 months, though this depends both on weather conditions and on what the blades are made out of. Ordinary rubber blades have the shortest lifespan, halogen-hardened rubber blades last a bit longer, and silicone blades have the longest lifetimes of all, perhaps exceeding a year even under intense use. Of course they also cost more than ordinary rubber blades. (More)
Lampton, Christopher. "How long do windshield wiper blades last?" 14 July 2010.
Cars could fail inspection because of worn windshield wiper blades. Worn blades can also damage the windshield and be another reason for getting a rejection sticker during your cars annual safety inspection.
Lampton, Christopher. "How long do windshield wiper blades last?" 14 July 2010.
Cars could fail inspection because of worn windshield wiper blades. Worn blades can also damage the windshield and be another reason for getting a rejection sticker during your cars annual safety inspection.